This Week in Cape May (TWICM) magazine is Cape May MAC’s primary marketing piece and it’s the only concise guide to what’s happening day by day and minute by minute in Cape May. It contains a concise calendar of Cape May MAC events, along with maps, listings for other organizations’ events, and ads for dining, shopping, services, accommodations, and recreation.

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This Week In Cape May Current Edition


THIS WEEK IN CAPE MAY is MAC’s primary marketing piece and it’s the only concise guide to what’s happening day by day and minute by minute in Cape May. Visitors use it to plan their day; accommodation owners use it to help their guests make the most of their stay. In addition to that concise calendar of MAC events, it also has maps, listings for other organizations’ events, and is chock full of ads for dining, shopping and recreation. TWICM is the “Bible” for Cape May visitors.